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Team Members: Anokhi Shah

‘Paw_cosm’ (A detailed imaginary world) is a graphic novel that can be read entirely over Instagram. The project tries to narrate a story through spaces and on a contemporary social media platform. The Architectural Graphic novel is narrated by the lead character Paw_lish. Paw_lish strongly believes that her life is a time machine and that she is stuck inside it. She has a secret superpower where she can teleport from place to place.  Paw_lish is a dreamer and planner. She likes the silly small objects. She follows a daily ritual about doing things in a certain way.  She is obsessed with posting her work on social media especially Instagram. A designer by nature, she is a part of the #Everyday sub-culture that exists on Instagram in order to learn and communicate with like-minded people. Instagram’s photo-grid design and the tagging functions allow teleporting through Paw_lish’s world. Paw_lish enjoys experiencing the spaces from a distance and also being completely in them. She loves getting lost and allows users to experience this by teleporting to her daily spaces.

Instagram Imagery

Check out how to teleport through Paw_lish’s world on Instagram. The starting point of the graphic novel. Shows how the character teleports to different places through doors. Tag on door allows the user to click on it and teleport to the specific space. The entire experience becomes a time threshold. The spatial experience is at a constant progression. The narrative now becomes about the viewer traveling through Paw_lishs different worlds. Each border becomes a space within itself, contained by its events and moments that transgress from where it started.

Paw_cosm in VR

Team Members: 
Anokhi Shah, Keyur Mistry

Paw_cosm  is a fictional narrative set in a digital space. The digital realm allows us to not consider the natural laws of physics. Teleportation is easily possible.  Paw_cosm in VR is a game of 3D spaces that was converted from 2D drawings.  Teleportation in the game from space to space was made possible through scripting. This was allowed using tags on doors, just like it is viewed on Instagram.  Using the Htc vive it was possible to create an immersive experience for the user in VR. The event was hosted at a local gallery/Cafe Sugar Mama as a part of the closing event for the exhibition of Paw_cosm in Frankfurt.