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Urgent Action Fund:


Anokhi Shah,
Devashu Bhadouria,
Ayushi Dubey,
Deepanshi Sethi

Technical details:

Multi-Arts online festival, WebVR, Metaverse

UAF A&P aims to co-create stronger narratives of change for the larger human rights defenders and funders ecosystem that will strengthen visibility and support to communities of activists. Our pilot foray into Shifting Narratives aims to disrupt the hegemony of traditional arts spaces to amplify new, fresh and diverse voices from the region, and supporting artists to connect more and build relationships with activists, defenders and other diverse audiences.

UAF A&P's pilot foray into Shifting Narratives aims to disrupt the hegemony of traditional arts spaces to amplify new, fresh and diverse voices from the region. Art is used as the unifying language to disrupt existing narratives and to shift focus across Asia and the Pacific. We support artists to connect and build relationships with activists, defenders and other diverse audiences.

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